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  • Writer's pictureKatrina

Mom Guilt: From One Mom to Another...

Updated: Aug 2, 2020

Do you miss morning sex not being potentially interrupted by kids?

Do you miss spontaneously going out with friends for a movie or dinner?

Do you miss having time alone pre-kids?

If that's a YES!

I know exactly how you feel. I'm a wife and mama to 2 wonderful boys for 11 years. I’ve had plenty highs and lows. Whether it be in parenting, in my relationship with my husband or with how I chose to take care of or not take care of myself.

I've had a great 9 to 5 and an amazing career as an entrepreneur of a Parent magazine in my island home, Bermuda, where I've helped 1000s of moms of young children navigate the early years of parenting.

Currently, I'm a homeschooling mom developing my second entrepreneurial business which I'm really excited about.

Although I've made good career choices that have bought much fulfillment – I was never consistent with my self-care or wellbeing.

Why? Because my primary focus was always my children and raising them successfully (yes, I wanted the perfect kids) – I believed if I sacrificed more and gave more of myself - my boys would be more grateful, my husband would appreciate me more and magical see what needs to be done and do it.

Instead of finding fulfillment - I suffered.

I lost who I was as a woman.

Fast forward, a good friend of mine who owns a coaching business showed me a mirror image of who I was becoming if I didn't take care of myself and my wellbeing. She helped me create a strategy for my life. Within a week I felt a massive shift.

Yes, a week!

Why? Because I started to take care of myself – yup self-care. I had always known it was important but thought it was wishy washy and I didn’t need it.

I can balance it all and surely, I can do it all – I’m super mom right? Plus I was founder and editor of Bermuda Parent magazine - that counts for something right?

I began to do facials at night, hot oil treatments for my hair, woke up earlier and spend time in worship and prayer, exercise – all of this consistently.

I was on a high!

Here’s the thing. I had done these things before but I was never consistent with anything…

So what bought about the shift? It was understanding what I currently believe about myself versus defining what I would now choose to believe about myself, it was developing the my vision based on the beliefs I had chosen, it was stating the reasons for my vision and finally creating a strategy that was specific to me.

Based on questions around those 4 points, I have been able to transform my life into an intentional, purpose driven mom just like I always planned to be, while raising a happy, healthy family.

I'm just like you, a regular mom.

Have I been inconsistent – yes, the difference is, now I genuinely miss the consistency. I had always wondered how other people could be so consistent. What did they have that I didn't.

Now that my vision and reasoning for what I do is entrenched in my belief, I can follow my true purpose because its who I am.

Is it selfish to want to take care of yourself?

No! Because as a mother, when I accomplish my dreams and desires, I become a role model to my children and an influencer to the world around me.

I have created what I want for me as a woman, a wife, a mother, an entrepreneur, a friend, in my health, my quality of life, my finances, as well as how I chose my emotions and feelings and lastly how I invest in my intellect.

I have reignited my life, my desire, my passion, my mental wellbeing and my drive.

My desire is now to help 1 million moms to experience an intentional, purpose driven life just as they've always planned too, and that includes you!

And this is how I'm going to do it.

I've got some exciting news for you and I'm going to help you experience that intentional, purpose driven life and this is how you're going to start.

I'm pulling together all the courses I've done plus my 11 years of experience as a mom, my experience as the founder and editor of Bermuda Parent magazine into one amazing course - Reignite the Virtuous Woman Within.

This course will help to transform you based on the vision you create:

  • you'll make time to get fit

  • you'll know whose advice to take and what questions to ask

  • you'll create a circle of friends who cheer you on

  • you'll know how to defeat mommy guilt

It's coming really, really soon. Be sure that you sign up here for the waitlist you'll get special bonuses. It's the very essence of mothering yourself to nourish your soul. I address the most important aspects of our life health & fitness, your intellect, your emotions and feelings, in your love relationship, your spirituality, your social life, your parenting, your career, your finances and your quality of life. Its guaranteed to open your mind and spark new possibilities about yourself that you didn't think were possible.

No need to miss out on our wait-list. Sign up below. Don't worry you can unsubscribe anytime.

In the meantime, I have something really special for you its our empowered mama quiz.

I wanna know what you got, tell me over on instagram @mother.yourself.katrina - so be sure to message me what your score is!

Katrina Ball of Mother Yourself

Peace, Blessing & Growth

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